East Sumner Apartments
Sumner, WA
Civil Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Permit Expediting, Residential | 162 units
The East Sumner Apartments are a multi-family community that is currently under construction. The complex will offer 162 apartment units on two separate sites. The main site (western) is located directly behind the popular Windmill Gardens Center and the secondary site (eastern) is located within walking distance. The western portion will host six three-story buildings, a recreation center, and open gathering spaces. The eastern portion will have three multi-family buildings with open spaces and walking paths for connectivity.
Our team partnered with Timberlane Partners to provide civil engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture and permitting services for this project. Barghausen provided plans for preliminary and final civil work including grading, paving, storm drainage collection and conveyance, detention and water quality treatment, sanitary sewer, domestic water and fire service, offsite roadway improvements, and landscape and irrigation design.
Stormwater management plans included underground detention and enhanced water quality treatment vaults. Following detention and treatment, stormwater is routed to a pump system and then through a force main prior to discharge to the city pipe network. The final configuration of the pump system design used a variable speed pump control system to meet flow control discharge requirements.
Offsite roadway improvements included pavement widening, new curb, gutter and walkways, planter strips, and utility adjustments along 60th Street East, 160th Avenue East and 162nd Avenue East.